Rottweilers a pit bull. Rottweilers a Pitbull!!! Paws Channel. Loading Unsubscribe from Paws Channel? Cancel Unsubscribe..I have a lb pit bull, aggressiveness the win goes to the German killer the Rottweiler which could kill the pitbull family easily all of .A family Rottweilered and killed a month old baby in northern France. Police say the dog, in the family's courtyard in their Saint Aubin home in Aisne, jumped on the baby girl and bit her in the head on Thursday morning..Gambar Rottweiler Kills Pitbull lainnya.A one year old boy was killed after he wased by a Rottweiler in his relative s home bite marks to her head and body from the pitbull terrier .My rottweiler killed another pit the other day in the park a man let it of and said to me ur rotti is dead a pit is more deadly noone could stop the dog fight untill one dog was dead which was the pit it was horrible but the owner of the pit was shocked that my rotti killed it its not the breed its the dog my rotti hates boy dogs and wil rip .Rottweiler Kills Pitbull Video lainnya.
Rottweiler Kills Pitbull