Yes they do I have THREE labrador retrievers and checked all their paws and they all have webbed feet and ask why if you want to find out more about..The Labrador Breed Standard dictates the look, What Should A Labradors Feet Look Like? A Labrador Retriever should be balanced in movement, .Q Why do labrador puppies have webbed feet? All dogs have webbed feet. It is just the "water breeds" that have a more pronounced webbing on their feet. Those water dog breeds have been bred specifically to have more webbing. The webbed toes of the Labrador Retriever make them excellent swimmers .Gambar Labrador Retriever Feet lainnya.The Labrador Retriever, or just Labrador, These smaller dogs were the forebears of the Labrador Retriever. The white chest, feet, chin, and muzzle .Labrador Retriever dog breed information, pictures, breeders, rescues, care, temperament, health, puppies..Not only do Labs have webbed feet which are perfect for swimming BUT they are the ONLY dog breed that does Amazing Facts About Labrador Retrievers .
Labrador Retriever Feet